To download a single compressed file (""; 800+K) of the Skeptic's Dictionary from Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer, click here and select Save File (Navigator) or Save As (Explorer).
From Netscape 1.2 select Save to Disk.
The file can also be downloaded from Lynx.
You will need a program to unzip the files once you have loaded them into your computer. The files are in HTML format, so you will need a browser to read them. For Windows users, try Winzip. For Mac users try ZipIt.
The file's http address is
This file is made available at the request of many people who have to pay per minute online. They may now peruse the Skeptic's Dictionary at their leisure, offline.
If you plan to leave a copy of these files on your server, please do not keep them in a public_html directory. This will prevent search engines from dredging up old versions of files. Thank you.
Last updated August 23, 1996